

4th order polynomial = a mathematical way to convert from logarithmic/parabolic response curve to linear
BASIC / BASICA = beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code (advanced)
BAT = .BAT is the extension for a Batch file.  Similar to a macro except that it runs under the MS-DOS environment.
CEMS = continuous emission monitoring system
CGA =  cylinder gas audit (EPA CEMS related)
COMS = continuous opacity monitoring system
Cubic Splines = a mathematical way to convert from logarithmic/parabolic response curve to linear
Elevated zero = a device that has its physical zero within the range of the device.  Example: a pressure transmitter that reads -10psi to 50psi has an elevated zero.
FAPT = field audit performance test
FFB = Foundation Field Bus
FID = flame ionization detector
FM =  factory mutual
HART = highway addressable remote transducer (using Bell 202 FSK)
HFID = heated FID or heater flame ionization detector
JSA =  job safety analysis
LEL = lower explosion limit
LRV = lower range value
NDIR = nondispersive infrared
P&ID = piping and instrumentation diagram
PDS = product data sheet
pH (not PH) = potential hydrogen
PID = proportional integral derivative (control)
PIDF = proportional integral derivative fuzzy logic (control)
pOH (not POH) = potential hydronium (hydroxyl)
RATA = relative accuracy test assessment (EPA lingo)
Span = [1] sometimes refers to the “span gas” valve   [2] sometimes used as a verb to “span” the instrument (i.e., adjust the device to match the “span gas” value   [3] sometimes interchanged with the definition of “range”
Suppressed zero = a device that has its physical zero NOT within the range of the device.  Example: a 4-20 mADC output card (the 0 mADC is markedly suppressed out of the “normal” range.
TD = time delay
Temperature = a measure of the average translational kinetic energy of a substance
THC = total hydrocarbon
Thermocouple (not thermal couple) = a type of temperature measuring sensor using the EMF properties of two dissimilar metals; see also Seebeck effect (related to Thompson effect, Peltier effect)
TO2 = trace oxygen (where the O2 represents the diatomic molecule of oxygen)
TVS = transient voltage suppression
UART = universal asynchronous receiver transmitter
UEL = upper explosion limit
UL = underwriters’ laboratory
URV = upper range value
UV = ultraviolet
VEO = visual emissions observer
ZrO2 (ZrO2) = zirconium oxide