Rosemount 755 Series Bicell (Bi-Cell) 622356 Is No Longer Available At OEM

This is the bi-cell (photocell) in the 755 series paramagnetic oxygen gas analyzers. Its function is to determine the position of the test body (dumb bell) based upon the relative intensity of the light beam bouncing off of a mirror attached to the test body.

RIGAS has a replacement for this NLA (no longer available) part. Call us at 877-616-0600.

Your 755, 755G, 755A, 755R, and 755EX are NOT obsolete. As long as you don’t destroy your detector (dumb-bell assembly) we can maintain this unit for many. many years to come.

Original manufacturer: Beckman, Rosemount, Beckman Industrial

Rosemount 616418 (Lamp Only P/N: 616239) Are No Longer Available At OEM

The 616239 is the source lamp (light bulb) for the 755 series paramagnetic oxygen gas analyzers. It was sold in kit form (the lamp and a set of instructions) as 616418.

RIGAS has a replacement for this NLA (no longer available) part. Call us!

Your 755, 755G, 755A, 755R, and 755EX are NOT obsolete. As long as you don’t destroy your detector (dumb-bell assembly) we can maintain this unit for many, many years to come.