35K0104R0, NOx Detector 0-800ppm CLD 200 cc/min, Replaces Rosemount 659754 and Tyco 1021326-100-TES

If you’ve stumbled on to this FAQ, you must have a Rosemount NGA-2000 CLD analyzer to measure NOX either dry or wet (referring to the WCLD version).   The detector portion of this analyzer is OEM p/n: 659754 (obsolete) and is sold by us under this part number:  35K0104R0.   It is the same OEM detector and fully compatible with your NGA-2000 or uCEMS.
I’d like to point out that this detector assembly is COMPLETELY repairable and should never be discarded.  Here’s why:

1. If the capillary gets clogged:

Unclog it or solder in a new one

2. If the heaters fail open:

Replace the heaters

3. If the resettable fuse fails open:

Replace the fuse

4. If the barrier window gets cracked/busted:

Replace the window

5. If the temperature sensor goes bad:

Replace it

6. If the reaction chamber leaks:

Replace the bad seal (or both seals)

7. If a pin breaks off or a wire opens in the harness:

Fix the harness

8. If the metal barrel rusts through (this has never happened, but there’s always a first time):

Replace the housing

9. If the photosensor gets weak or dies completely:

Replace the sensor

This is the most challenging aspect as the OEM wants about $8000 for this chip; and, most of the time, it’s the barrier window that gets clouded/stained from the ozone- NO reaction; we don’t change out very many sensor chips.*

10. If the photosensor won’t cool down to 1°C, it might be a bad Peltier section of the chip -or- most likely, it’s a bad Darlington Pair power transistor (mounted on the aluminum divider panel).

Important: *We’ve been fixing about two of these per year for the past 20 years.  Don’t listen to the rumors that you can’t procure a NGA-2000 CLD detector assembly, we can get them or repair them.*